absolute values of these integral values are added until the pre-set value is exceeded.This occurs with the value Y2 that is reported and set as a new base for the followingmeasurements (as well as for the values Y3, Y4 and Y5).The integral dead-band supervision is particularly suitable for monitoring signals withsmall variations that can last for relatively long periods.99000530.vsdYtValue Reported(1st)Y1ValueReportedA1Y2ValueReportedY3Y4A ValueReportedA2Y5A3A4 A5 A7A6ValueReportedA2 >=pre-set valueA1 >=pre-set valueA >=pre-set valueA3 + A4 + A5 + A6 + A7 >=pre-set valueIEC99000530 V1 ENFigure 196: Reporting with integral dead-band supervision14.1.8.2 Measurements CVMMXNMode of operationThe measurement function must be connected to three-phase current and three-phasevoltage input in the configuration tool (group signals), but it is capable to measure andcalculate above mentioned quantities in nine different ways depending on the availableVT inputs connected to the IED. The end user can freely select by a parameter setting,which one of the nine available measuring modes shall be used within the function.Available options are summarized in the following table:1MRK 502 043-UUS B Section 14Monitoring415Technical Manual