Authorization handling in the IEDAt delivery the default user is the SuperUser. No Log on is required to operate the IEDuntil a user has been created with the IED User Management..Once a user is created and written to the IED, that user can perform a Log on, using thepassword assigned in the tool. Then the default user will be Guest.If there is no user created, an attempt to log on will display a message box: “No userdefined!”If one user leaves the IED without logging off, then after the timeout (set in Mainmenu/Configuration/HMI/Screen/1:SCREEN) elapses, the IED returns to Gueststate, when only reading is possible. By factory default, the display timeout is set to 60minutes.If one or more users are created with the IED User Management and written to theIED, then, when a user attempts a Log on by pressing the key or when the userattempts to perform an operation that is password protected, the Log on window opens.The cursor is focused on the User identity field, so upon pressing the key, one canchange the user name, by browsing the list of users, with the “up” and “down” arrows.After choosing the right user name, the user must press the key again. When itcomes to password, upon pressing the key, the following characters will show up:“✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳”. The user must scroll for every letter in the password. After all theletters are introduced (passwords are case sensitive) choose OK and press the keyagain.At successful Log on, the local HMI shows the new user name in the status bar at thebottom of the LCD. If the Log on is OK, when required to change for example apassword protected setting, the local HMI returns to the actual setting folder. If the Logon has failed, an "Error Access Denied" message opens. If a user enters an incorrectpassword three times, that user will be blocked for ten minutes before a new attempt tolog in can be performed. The user will be blocked from logging in, both from the localHMI and PCM600. However, other users are to log in during this period.17.13 Authority status ATHSTAT17.13.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberAuthority status ATHSTAT - -1MRK 502 043-UUS B Section 17Basic IED functions575Technical Manual