• Forward means direction into the object.• Reverse means direction out from the object.Protected ObjectLine , transformer, etcForwardReverseDefinition of directionfor directional functionsMeasured quantity ispositive when flowingtowards the objecte.g . P , Q , IReverseForwardDefinition of directionfor directional functionse.g . P , Q , IMeasured quantity ispositive when flowingtowards the objectSet parameterCT_ WyePointCorrect Setting is" ToObject"Set parameterCT_ WyePointCorrect Setting is" FromObject"ANSI11000275-1.vsdANSI11000275 V1 ENFigure 2: Internal convention of the directionality in the IEDIf the settings of the primary CT is right, that is CTStarPoint set as FromObject orToObject according to the plant condition, then a positive quantity always flowstowards the protected object, and a Forward direction always looks towards theprotected object.The settings of the IED is performed in primary values. The ratios of the main CTs andVTs are therefore basic data for the IED. The user has to set the rated secondary andprimary currents and voltages of the CTs and VTs to provide the IED with their ratedratios.The CT and VT ratio and the name on respective channel is done under Main menu/Hardware/Analog modules in the Parameter Settings tool.3.3 SettingsDependent on ordered IED type.Section 3 1MRK 502 043-UUS BAnalog inputs44Technical Manual