180 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010 Use the Information panel to review detailed information on the selected plan (task). The panelis collapsed by default. To expand the panel, click the chevron. The content of the panel isalso duplicated in the Plan details (p. 189) and Task details (p. 187) windows respectively. Understanding states and statusesBackup plan execution statesA backup plan can be in one of the following execution states: Idle; Waiting; Running; Stopping;Need Interaction.Plan states names are the same as task state names because a plan state is a cumulative state of theplan's tasks.State How it is determined How to handle1 Need interaction At least one task needsuser interaction.Otherwise, see 2.Identify the tasks that need interaction (the program willdisplay what action is needed) -> Stop the tasks or enablethe tasks to run (change media; provide additional space onthe vault; ignore the read error; create the missing AcronisSecure Zone).2 Running At least one task isrunning.Otherwise, see 3.No action is required.3 Waiting At least one task iswaiting.Otherwise, see 4.Waiting for condition. This situation is quite normal, butdelaying a backup for too long is risky. The solution may beto set the maximum delay or force the condition (tell theuser to log off, enable the required network connection.)Waiting while another task locks the necessary resources. Aone-time waiting case may occur when a task start isdelayed or a task run lasts much longer than usual for someparticular reason and this way prevents another task fromstarting. This situation is resolved automatically when theobstructing task comes to an end. Consider stopping a taskif it hangs for too long to enable the next task to start.Persistent task overlapping may result from an incorrectlyscheduled plan or plans. It makes sense to edit the plan inthis case.4 Stopping At least one task isstopping.Otherwise, see 5.No action is required.5 Idle All the tasks are idle. No action is required.Backup plan statusesA backup plan can have one of the following statuses: Error; Warning; OK.A backup plan status is derived from the results of the last run of the plans' tasks.State How it is determined How to handle1 Error At least one task hasfailed.Identify the failed tasks -> Check the tasks log to find outthe reason of the failure, then do one or more of the