190 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-20106.1.3 LogThe Log stores the history of operations performed by Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 on themachine, or actions a user takes on the machine using the program. For instance, when a user edits atask, the respective entry is added to the log. When the program executes a task, it adds multipleentries. With the log, you can examine operations, results of tasks' execution including reasons forfailure, if any.Way of working with log entries Use filters to display the desired log entries. You can also hide the unneeded columns and showthe hidden ones. See the Filtering and sorting log entries (p. 191) section for details. In the log table, select the log entry (or log entries) to take action on it. See the Actions on logentries (p. 190) section for details. Use the Information panel to review detailed information on the selected log entry. The panel iscollapsed by default. To expand the panel, click the chevron. The content of the panel is alsoduplicated in the Log entry details (p. 192) window.Opening the Log with pre-filtered log entriesHaving selected items in other administration views (Dashboard, Backup plans and tasks), you canopen the Log view with pre-filtered log entries for the item in question. Thus, you do not have toconfigure filters in the log table yourself.View ActionDashboard In the calendar, right-click on any highlighted date, and then select View log.The Log view appears with the list of log entries already filtered by the date inquestion.Backup plans and tasks Select a backup plan or a task, and then click View log. The Log view will displaya list of the log entries related to the selected plan or task. Actions on log entriesAll the operations described below are performed by clicking the corresponding items on the logtoolbar. All these operations can also be performed with the context menu (by right-clicking the logentry), or with the Log actions bar (on the Actions and tools pane).The following is a guideline for you to perform actions on log entries.To DoSelect a single log entry Click on it.Select multiple logentries non-contiguous: hold down CTRL and click the log entries one by one contiguous: select a single log entry, then hold down SHIFT and click anotherentry. All the entries between the first and last selections will be selected too.View a log entry’s details 1. Select a log entry.2. Do one of the following Click View Details. The log entry's details will be displayed in a separatewindow. Expand the Information panel, by clicking the chevron.