Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010 3137.1.6.1 Actions on tasksThe following is a guideline for you to perform operations with tasks.To DoCreate a new backup plan,or a task on a registeredmachineClick New, and select one of the following: Backup plan (p. 192) Recovery task (p. 211) Validation task (p. 230)Then, you have to specify the registered machine on which the selected task, orthe backup plan will run.View details of a task Click View details.In the Tasks details (p. 187) window, examine all information related to theselected task.View a task's log Click View log.The Log (p. 315) view will display a list of the log entries related to the selectedtask.Run a task Click Run.The task will be executed immediately in spite of its schedule.Stop a task Click Stop.What will happen if I stop the task?Generally, stopping the task aborts its operation (backup, recovery, validation,exporting, conversion, migration). The task enters the Stopping state first, thenbecomes Idle. The task schedule, if created, remains valid. To complete theoperation you will have to run the task over again. recovery task (from the disk backup): The target volume will be deleted andits space unallocated – the same result you will get if the recovery isunsuccessful. To recover the “lost” volume, you will have to run the taskonce again.recovery task (from the file backup): The aborted operation may causechanges in the destination folder. Some files may be recovered, but somenot, depending on the period when you stopped the task. To recover all thefiles, you will have to run the task once again.Edit a task Click Edit.Why can't I edit the task?Only tasks that do not belong to a backup plan, such as a recovery task, canbe modified by direct editing. When you need to modify a task belonging toa local backup plan, edit the backup plan. A task belonging to a centralizedbackup plan can be modified by editing the centralized policy that spawnedthe plan. Only the management server administrator can do this.Task belongs to a backup planWithout Administrator privileges on the machine, a user cannot modifytasks owned by other usersDo not have the appropriate privilege