310 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010Note: You can skip this step if both the storage node and the users' machines are in the same ActiveDirectory domain.For information about user rights on a storage node and in its managed vaults, see User rights ona storage node (p. 78).3. Add (p. 311) the storage node to the Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Server.4. Create a managed vault (p. 129): specify the path to the vault, select the storage node that willmanage the vault and select the management operations such as deduplication or encryption.5. Create a backup policy (p. 339) or a backup plan that will use the managed vault. Actions on storage nodesAll the operations described here, are performed by clicking the corresponding buttons on thetoolbar. The operations can be also accessed from the Storage nodes bar (on the Actions and toolspane) and from the Storage nodes item of the main menu.To perform an operation with a storage node added to the management server, first select thestorage node.The following is a guideline for you to perform operations with storage nodes.To DoAdd a storage node tothe managementserverClick Add.In the Add storage node (p. 311) window, specify the machine the storage node isinstalled on.Adding a storage node establishes a trusted relationship between themanagement server and the storage node, in the same way as when you addmachines to the server. Once the storage node is added to the managementserver, you will be able to create managed vaults on the node.Remove a storagenode from themanagement serverClick Remove.Once the storage node is removed from the management server, the vaults beingmanaged by the storage node disappear from the vault list (p. 125) and becomeunavailable for performing operations. All the plans and tasks that use these vaultswill fail. All the databases and vaults of this storage node remain untouched.It is possible to add the previously removed storage node to the managementserver again. As a result, all the vaults managed by the storage node will appear inthe vault list and become available once again for all the plans and tasks that usedthese vaults.Create a centralizedmanaged vault on theselected storage nodeClick Create vault.The Create managed vault page (p. 129) will be opened with the pre-selectedstorage node. Perform the remaining steps to create the vault.