66 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010#5 or #6 "green""orange""blue"InheritedInheritedInheritedAll machines -> #5 or #6G1 -> G2 -> #5 or #6G2 -> #5 or #62.13.5 Backup policy's state and statusesCentralized management presumes that the administrator can monitor the health of the entireproduct infrastructure using a few easily understandable parameters. The state and status of abackup policy are included in such parameters. Issues, if any, arise from the very bottom of theinfrastructure (tasks on managed machines) to the cumulative policy status. The administratorchecks the status at a glance. If the status is not OK, the administrator can navigate down to the issuedetails in a few clicks.This section helps you understand the policies' states and statuses displayed by the managementserver. Policy deployment state on a machineTo see this parameter, select any group, containing the machine, in the tree, then select themachine, and then select the Backup policies tab on the Information pane.Once you apply a policy to a machine or a group of machines, the server deploys the policy to themachines. On each of the machines, the agent creates a backup plan. While the policy is transferredto the machine and the backup plan is being created, the policy's deployment state on the machine isDeploying.Once the backup plan is successfully created, the policy state on the machine becomes Deployed.You may need to modify the policy for some reason. Once you confirm the changes, themanagement server updates the policy on all machines the policy was deployed to. While thechanges are transferred to the machine and the agent updates the backup plan, the policy state onthe machine is Updating. Once the policy is updated, its state becomes Deployed again. This statemeans that the policy is functioning and no changes are currently being made to it.A policy that was modified while being deployed remains in the Deploying state. The managementserver just starts to deploy the modified policy from the beginning.You may need to revoke the policy from the machine or from the group the machine is included in.Once you confirm the changes, the management server revokes the policy from the machine. Whilethe changes are transferred to the machine and the agent deletes the backup plan from it, the policystate on the machine is Revoking.You may change grouping conditions or the machine may change its properties so that the machineleaves one group and is included into another. This may result in revoking one policy and deployinganother policy. In this case, the first policy's state on the machine will be Revoking and the secondpolicy's state will be Deploying. The policies can appear in the GUI simultaneously or one afteranother.