234 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010 Password. The password for the account.2. Click OK.According to the original FTP specification, credentials required for access to FTP servers are transferredthrough a network as plaintext. This means that the user name and password can be intercepted by aneavesdropper using a packet sniffer.6.4.6 When to validateAs validation is a resource-intensive operation, it makes sense to schedule validation to the managedmachine's off-peak period. On the other hand, if you prefer to be immediately informed whether thedata is not corrupted and can be successfully recovered, consider starting validation right after thetask creation.Choose one of the following: Now - to start the validation task right after its creation, that is, after clicking OK on theValidation page. Later - to start the one-time validation task, at the date and time you specify.Specify the appropriate parameters as follows: Date and time - the date and time when to start the task. The task will be started manually (do not schedule the task) - select this check box, if youwish to start the task manually later. On schedule - to schedule the task. To learn more about how to configure the schedulingparameters, please see the Scheduling (p. 162) section.6.5 Mounting an imageMounting volumes from a disk backup (image) lets you access the volumes as though they werephysical disks. Multiple volumes contained in the same backup can be mounted within a singlemount operation. The mount operation is available when the console is connected to a managedmachine running either Windows or Linux.Mounting volumes in the read/write mode enables you to modify the backup content, that is, save,move, create, delete files or folders, and run executables consisting of one file.Limitation: Mounting of volume backups stored on Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Storage Node is not possible.Usage scenarios: Sharing: mounted images can be easily shared to networked users. "Band aid" database recovery solution: mount up an image that contains an SQL database froma recently failed machine. This will give access to the database until the failed machine isrecovered. Offline virus clean: if a machine is attacked, the administrator shuts it down, boots with bootablemedia and creates an image. Then, the administrator mounts this image in read/write mode,scans and cleans it with an antivirus program, and finally recovers the machine. Error check: if recovery failed due to a disk error, mount the image in the read/write mode.Then, check the mounted disk for errors with the chkdsk /r command.To mount an image, perform the following steps.SourceArchive (p. 235)