48 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010a locallyattached tapedevice (tapedrive or tapelibrary) by...ATIE 9.7 + + + +ABR10 + + + +Agent forWindowsATIE 9.1 + + + +ATIE 9.5 - - - +ATIE 9.7 - - - +ABR10 + + + +Agent for Linux ATIE 9.1 + + + +ATIE 9.5 + + + +ATIE 9.7 + + + +ABR10 + + + +Tape written ona tape devicethrough...Backup Server ATIE 9.1 + + + +ATIE 9.5 - - - +ATIE 9.7 - - - +Storage Node ABR10 - - - +2.11.2 Using a single tape driveA tape drive that is locally attached to a managed machine can be used by local backup plans as astorage device. The functionality of a locally attached autoloader or tape library is limited to theordinary tape drive. This means that the program can only work with the currently mounted tape andyou have to mount tapes manually.Backup to a locally attached tape deviceWhen creating a backup plan, you are able to select the locally attached tape device as the backupdestination. An archive name is not needed when backing up to a tape.An archive can span multiple tapes but can contain only one full backup and an unlimited number ofincremental backups. Every time you create a full backup, you start with a new tape and create anew archive. As soon as the tape is full, a dialog window with a request to insert a new tape willappear.The content of a non-empty tape will be overwritten on prompt. You have an option to disableprompts, see Additional settings (p. 115).WorkaroundIn case you want to keep more than one archive on the tape, for example, back up volume C andvolume D separately, choose incremental backup mode instead of a full backup when you createan initial backup of the second volume. In other situations, incremental backup is used forappending changes to the previously created archive.You might experience short pauses that are required to rewind the tape. Low-quality or old tape, aswell as dirt on the magnetic head, might lead to pauses that can last up to several minutes.Limitations1. Multiple full backups within one archive are not supported.2. Individual files cannot be recovered from a disk backup.3. Backups cannot be deleted from a tape either manually or automatically during cleanup.Retention rules and backup schemes that use automatic cleanup (GFS, Tower of Hanoi) aredisabled in the GUI when backing up to a locally attached tape.4. Personal vaults cannot be created on tape devices.