Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010 299Remove machine from agroup. Click Remove.The centralized plans, which were deployed to the parent group, will no longeraffect this machine.Hosted virtual machinesThe tab displays a list of the machines hosted on the selected virtualization server or managed by thespecified virtual appliance.You can create a dynamic group based on the list of the hosted virtual machines. To do this, clickCreate a dynamic group. The created group will be accessible in the Virtual machines view (p. 305).Inheritance orderThe Inheritance order window lets you examine where the policy applied to the machine came from.The policy that was directly applied to the machine is displayed as follows:Machine nameThe policy that is applied on the machine through inheritance is displayed as in the followingexample:Group1 > Group2 > Group3 > Machine1Group1 in the root contains Group2 to which the policy is applied directly. Group2, in turn, containschild Group3 that inherits the policy from the parent and applies the policy to Machine1 respectively.The machine (or group) to which the policy was applied directly is boldfaced and marked with anicon.All items are interactive, i.e. when you click on a machine or a group, its parent group view will beopened.Filtering and sorting machinesTo DoSort machines by any column Click the column's header to sort the machines in ascending order.Click it once again to sort the machines in descending order.Filter machines by name. Type a machine's name in the field below the corresponding column's header.As a result you will see the list of machines, whose names fully or just partlycoincide with the entered value.Filter machines by status, lastconnect, last backup,availability.In a field below the corresponding column's header, select the required valuefrom the list.Configuring the machines tableBy default, the table has five columns that are displayed, others are hidden. If required, you can hidethe shown columns and show the hidden ones.To show or hide columns1. Right-click any column header to open the context menu. The menu items that are ticked offcorrespond to the column headers presented in the table.2. Click the items you want to be displayed/hidden.