Reconnecting Mirrored VolumesBefore you begin, ensure that you are connected to each iSCSI Storage Appliancethat hosts the mirrored volumes, using either a monitor and keyboard or a serialcable connected to a system running a terminal emulation program.Note In these steps, the iSCSI Storage Appliance with the replaced flash drive iscalled Appliance A; the iSCSI Storage Appliance that contains the mirroredvolumes is called Appliance B.1 Use Appliance B’s CLI to ensure that Appliance B is logged in to Appliance A.If Appliance A does not have a new IP address, skip to Step d below.If Appliance A has a new IP address:a Type controller manage Appliance_A ip remove oldIPaddress, then press Enter.b Type controller manage Appliance_A ip add newIPaddress, then press Enter.c Appliance B logs in to Appliance A. (This may take a few moments.)d Type controller list, then press Enter.Confirm that Appliance A’s controller is listed.2 Use Appliance A’s CLI to reconnect Appliance A to Appliance B.a Type controller discover IPaddress_of_applianceB, then press Enter.b Type controller add IPaddress_of_applianceB, then press Enter.c Type controller list, then press Enter. Confirm that Appliance B’s controller islisted.3 Use Appliance A’s CLI to update the IP addresses of remote plexes in ApplianceA’s mirrors.a Type mirror manage m1 plex 0/1 IPaddress_of_ApplianceB_iSCSI_interface, thenpress Enter.b Repeat Step 1 for each mirror.4 Use Appliance B’s CLI to update the IP addresses of remote plexes in ApplianceB’s mirrors.a Type mirror manage m1 plex 0/1 IPaddress_of_ApplianceA_iSCSI_interface, thenpress Enter.b Repeat Step 1 for each mirror.