![Baby Lock PRESTO Instruction And Reference Manual Manual pdf 43 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/2686498/407aebb173e5100fe209280be6fd365043f.jpg)
SewingBasic operations B-35STARTING TO SEWB* If (Reinforcement priority) in the settings screenis turned on, reinforcement stitches are sewn insteadof reverse stitches.Reinforcement priorityWhen set to “ ”within the settings screen,reinforcement stitches are sewn at the beginning and/or end ofsewing reinforcement stitch patterns, even if (Reversestitch button) has been pressed. For details, refer to“Automatic reinforcement stitching” on page B-34.aTurn off the machine.bWhile pressing (Reinforcement stitch button) onthe operation panel, turn on the sewing machine.cPress the “-” or “+” key to select “ ”.dPress the “-” or “+” key to set to “ ”.eTurn off the machine, then turn it on again.Reverse stitchbuttonReinforcementstitch buttonWhen the automaticreinforcementstitching function isnot active whileselecting stitchessuch as examplesshown below:Machine startssewing the stitchesand only sewsreverse stitcheswhile holding theReverse stitchbutton.Machine sews 3 - 5reinforcementstitches whileholding theReinforcement stitchbutton.When the automaticreinforcementstitching function isactive while selectingstitches such asexamples shownbelow:Machine sewsreverse stitches atthe beginning andend of sewing.Machine sewsreverse stitches atthe beginning andreinforcementstitches at the end ofsewing.When the automaticreinforcementstitching function isnot active whileselecting stitchessuch as examplesshown below:Machine startssewing the stitchesand only sewsreverse stitcheswhile holding theReverse stitchbutton.*Machine startssewing the stitchesand sews 3 - 5reinforcementstitches whileholding theReinforcement stitchbutton.When the automaticreinforcementstitching function isactive while selectingstitches such asexamples shownbelow:Machine sewsreinforcementstitches at thebeginning andreverse stitches atthe end of sewing.*Machine sewsreinforcementstitches at thebeginning and end ofsewing.When the automaticreinforcementstitching function isnot active whileselecting utilitystitches other thanthe straight or zigzagstitches.Machine sews 3 - 5reinforcementstitches whileholding the Reversestitch button.Machine sews 3 - 5reinforcementstitches whileholding theReinforcement stitchbutton.When the automaticreinforcementstitching function isactive while selectingutility stitches otherthan the straight orzigzag stitches.Machine sewsreinforcementstitches at thebeginning and end ofsewing.Machine sewsreinforcementstitches at thebeginning and end ofsewing.When the automaticreinforcementstitching function isnot active whileselecting character/decorative stitches.Machine startssewing and thensews reinforcementstitches whileholding the Reversestitch button.Machine startssewing at thebeginning, thencompletes thepattern when theReinforcement stitchbutton is pressedand sewsreinforcementstitches at the end ofsewing.When the automaticreinforcementstitching function isactive while selectingcharacter/decorativestitches.Machine sewsreinforcementstitches at thebeginning and sewsreinforcementstitches when theReverse stitchbutton is pressed.Machine sewsreinforcementstitches at thebeginning, thencompletes thepattern when theReinforcement stitchbutton is pressedand sewsreinforcementstitches at the end ofsewing.Reverse stitchbuttonReinforcementstitch button