QUICK START14 SmartSwitch Remote Access ModuleNote: Do NOT place more than one SmartSwitch Remote Access Module on a LAN with thedefault IP address. If more than one module has the same IP address, unpredictable resultswill occur.After you make a Telnet connection, enter your login ID and password. Then you will be presentedwith a system prompt and you can enter commands at that time.UPGRADING S OFTWAREPerform the steps below to upgrade the module’s system software:1. Insert the 9W006/9W007 Remote Access Module CD-ROM into the PC.2. Using the PC, Telnet to the module.3. Once you have an administration session (you have logged in to the module) enter the specialManage Mode by typing the following command at the system prompt:>manageNote: Once Manage Mode is entered, the prompt changes from [system name]> to[system name]:MANAGE>.4. Change the TFTP configuration by typingtftp change. The following messages will bedisplayed:Current TFTP Configuration:The TFTP Feature is enabled.The TFTP Client is enabled.The TFTP Server is disabled.You will be prompted to change the status for each configuration element. Enable the TFTPServer and assign file access rights to Admin.5. Use a TFTP client application to PUT the UPGRADE.OSW file from the 9W006/9W007 RemoteAccess Module CD-ROM to the \SYSTEM directory on the module that you want to upgrade.6. Return to the Telnet console and issue theexit Manage Mode command.Note: You will receive a warning that the current configuration data has not beenpermanently stored in the configuration files. Do NOT save the TFTP configurationchanges.7. Issue therestart console command to complete the Upgrade process.INSTALLING AND L AUNCHING SFVRA-CFGSFVRA-CFG allows you to centrally configure and manage a network that includes SmartSwitchRemote Access Modules and CyberSWITCH systems. It is made up of two main components: the