QUICK START8 SmartSwitch Remote Access ModuleThe SFVRA Connection Manager User’s Guide provides detailed information for installing,configuring, and using the SFVRA Connection Manager (SFVRA-CONN). SFVRA-CONNcommunicates in real time with the module to provide centralized, policy-based connectionmanagement for remote and central site users.The SFVRA-CFG and SFVRA-CONN Release Notes provide release information and highlights. TheRelease Notes are provided in a file that can be accessed under the applications’ Help menus.CENTRAL S ITE CYBER SWITCH DOCUMENTATIONThe primary configuration utility included for configuring your module is SFVRA-CFG. TheSmartSwitch Remote Access Module documentation was written with SFVRA-CFG in mind. Thisconfiguration utility will be sufficient for most configurations, however, if you will be setting up acomplex configuration, you may need to use CFGEDIT, a more comprehensive configurationutility. Note that once you use CFGEDIT, you will be unable to go back to using SFVRA-CFG(except under one special circumstance — if you configure IP filters using CFGEDIT and you makeno other changes except for the IP filter configuration, you can then go back to SFVRA-CFG).The following is a list of some of the major features that cannot be configured through SFVRA-CFG:• AppleTalk Remote LAN port• Bridge filters• DHCP• File attributes configuration• Frame Relay• IP filters• IPX static routes and services• Off-node authentication databases• TFTP configuration• X.25If you will be using any of the above features, you will need to use CFGEDIT to configure yourmodule. In result, you will need to refer to supplemental user documentation provided on the9W006 &9W007 Remote Access Module CD-ROM for configuration, verification, and diagnosisinstructions (and any other activities that use SFVRA-CFG). This documentation is theCyberSWITCH Central Site User Documentation. Note that although the supplementaldocumentation is for a different Cabletron product, the CFGEDIT instructions included can beapplied to the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module. This documentation includes:The CyberSWITCH Central Quick Start provides abbreviated installation and configurationinstructions for experienced users. Specific instructions for setting up various types of remotedevices are also included.The CyberSWITCH Central Site User’s Guide provides information to install and configure yoursystem. It also provides information you may need to refer to keep your system running efficientlyafter it is up and running. For example, it provides a listing of system messages. Many othersubjects are covered, including routine maintenance, hardware information, system verification,and problem diagnosis.The Example Networks Guide includes several example networks, beginning with a simple network,and progressing to more complex networks. These example network chapters provideconfiguration instructions that you may find helpful in configuring your own similar network.