9W006 and 9W007 27M ODULE C ONNECTIVITYConfiguration Using SFVRA-CFGc. Type in a 9 before the telephone number, then click on OK.d. Repeat steps a through c for the second number, 5551112.4. Click OK.Now we will finish the connection group information by configuring each connection with anunnumbered IP subnet.C ONNECTION IP S UBNET I NFORMATIONBecause IP is enabled for all of our connections, we need to adjust the connection information toreflect the correct IP subnet associated with this connection. IP information is located under theconnection Protocols information.1. From the Connection Groups’ main window, click on Group1.2. From the resulting screen, click on Edit Group Connections.3. For each of the three connections:a. Double click on the connection entry.b. From the resulting screen, click on the Protocols tab.c. You should be viewing the IP information. Make sure there is a check mark by Enable.d. Select (UnNumbered) for the IP Subnet. We have selected unnumbered because all of ourconnections are over an unnumbered interface. If they were over numbered interfaces, wewould need to first configure the IP subnet information, then we would need to return tothe group connection information and select the appropriate subnet (the user configuredsubnets will not appear as an option for IP subnet until they are configured).e. Click on OK.Close all the open windows until you are back at the initial SFVRA-CFG window.CONFIGURING IP I NFORMATIONYou can configure or view IP network information in one of two ways: at the subnet level or at thesystem level. The subnet view looks at IP network information with the “big picture” in mind; youare viewing how multiple systems interconnect to form a subnet. The system view looks at IPinformation with a specific system in mind; you are viewing how the individual system relates tothe rest of the network.For our example network, we will need to configure a LAN subnet for sites Central and Rem_1204.Each subnet will include a LAN interface and a static route. We will use the IP subnet view.