9W006 and 9W007 31M ODULE C ONNECTIVITYNecessary Configuration for the Remote Devices1. Click on site Central from the Export Configurations’ Systems window.2. Click on Generate Updates.3. You should see a message stating that the update for the system has generated successfully. Ifthe message includes warnings, correct any errors described in the warnings.4. Click on Close. Note that the Updates Generated field displays YES (it was previously blank).This indicates that the updated configuration files are ready for downloading.Repeat the above steps for site Rem_1204. After the configuration updates have been generated, wecan download the updates directly to the system.DOWNLOADING CONFIGURATION UPDATESNote: Downloading updated configuration files does not update the system’s existingconfiguration files, it overwrites them.To download the updated configuration files to Central and Rem_1204:1. From the Export Configurations Systems window, select the site, then click on DownloadUpdates.2. You will see a window with the system’s IP address. SFVRA-CFG will download theconfiguration files to this address.3. Make sure New Revision is selected.4. Click on OK.5. You should see a message reporting that your download was successful. If the messageincludes warnings, correct any errors described in the warnings.6. Click on Close.7. The Updates Generated field will again be blank, and the Downloaded Revision field will have beenincremented.8. Click on Close.Note that after downloading new configuration files the systems will automatically restart so thatthe configuration changes will take effect.N ECESSARY C ONFIGURATION FOR THE R EMOTE D EVICESYou must configure the following information on the remote devices that are not configurablethrough SFVRA-CFG (in our example this includes sites Rem_Modem and Rem_100):• Site Central’s phone numbers so that the remote device can dial out to Central. These phonenumbers are: 95551111 and 95551112.