Black plate (55,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (Include Mex) - 2012Instruments and Controls 5-55in view. The hand-heldtransmitter was supplied by themanufacturer of your garagedoor opener receiver (motorhead unit).3. At the same time, press andhold both the Universal HomeRemote button to be used tocontrol the garage door and thehand-held transmitter button. Donot release the Universal HomeRemote button or the hand-heldtransmitter button until Step 4has been completed.Some entry gates and garagedoor openers may requiresubstitution of Step 3 with theprocedure noted in “GateOperator and CanadianProgramming” later in thissection.4. The indicator light on theUniversal Home Remote willflash slowly at first and thenrapidly after Universal HomeRemote successfully receivesthe frequency signal from thehand-held transmitter. Releaseboth buttons.5. Press and hold the newly trainedUniversal Home Remote buttonand observe the indicator light.. If the indicator light stayson continuously, theprogramming is completeand the garage door shouldmove when the UniversalHome Remote button ispressed and released.There is no need tocontinue programmingSteps 6 through 8.. If the Universal HomeRemote indicator lightblinks rapidly fortwo seconds and then turnsto a constant light, continuewith the programmingSteps 6 through 8.It may be helpful to haveanother person assist withthe remaining steps.6. After Steps 1 through 5 havebeen completed, locate insidethe garage the garage dooropener receiver (motor-headunit). Locate the “Learn” or“Smart” button. The name andcolor of the button may vary bymanufacturer.7. Firmly press and release the“Learn” or “Smart” button. Afteryou press this button, you willhave 30 seconds to completeStep 8.