Black plate (13,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (Include Mex) - 2012Infotainment System 7-13To set up the number of favoritespages:1. Press the CONFIG button todisplay the radio setup menu.2. Press the softkey located belowthe FAV label.3. Select the desired number offavorites pages by pressing thesoftkey located below thedisplayed page numbers.4. Press the FAV button, or let themenu time out, to return to theoriginal main radio screenshowing the radio stationfrequency labels and to beginthe process of programmingfavorites for the chosen numberof pages.Time Shifting — Pause andRewind Live XMThe Radio with DVD Audio, HDD,and USB has the ability to rewind60 minutes of XM content. Whilelistening to the radio, the contentfrom the current station is alwaysbeing buffered to the HDD.Press r / j to pause the radio. Theradio display will show the TimeShift buffer status bar. The statusbar shows the amount of contentstored in the buffer and the currentpause point.To resume playback from thecurrent pause point, press r / jagain. The radio will no longer beplaying “live” radio. Instead, timeshifted content is being played fromthe buffer. When the radio is playingtime shifted content from the buffer,a buffer status bar shows below thestation number on the left side ofthe screen.Press and hold the s REV or \FWD buttons to rewind or fastforward through the time shift buffer.Hold \ FWD until the end of thecurrently recorded buffer to resume“live” radio playback. With “live”radio playing, the radio display willno longer show the buffer bar belowthe station number.Press the s REV or \ FWDbutton multiple times to jump to theprevious or next song orcommercial.When the radio station is changed,the buffer is cleared andautomatically restarted for thecurrent station. You cannot rewindto content from a previously tunedstation.Time shifting of XM is not availablewhile recording or while othersources of playback are selected.Pausing XM with the VehicleTurned OffIf XM is paused before the vehicle isturned off, the radio will continue tobuffer the current radio station forup to one hour. If the vehicle isturned back on within one hour, theradio will automatically resumeplayback from the pause point.