Black plate (5,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (Include Mex) - 2012Climate Controls 8-5SensorsThe solar sensor located on theinstrument panel, near thewindshield, monitors the solar heat.The interior temperature sensor,located on the instrument panel tothe right of the steering wheel,measures the temperature of the airinside the vehicle.The climate control system uses theinformation from these sensors toadjust the fan speed and the airdelivery, in order to maintain theselected temperature. The systemmay also supply cooler air to theside of the vehicle facing the sun.The recirculation mode will also beactivated, as necessary.Do not cover the sensors or theautomatic climate control system willnot work properly.Air Quality SensorFor vehicles with an air qualitysensor, the climate control systemadjusts to limit some exhaust fumesfrom being pulled inside yourvehicle.Press the AUTO button on theclimate control to activate the airquality sensor. The recirculationindicator light comes on when poorquality air is detected. The airquality sensor will not maintainrecirculation for an extended periodto prevent the air inside the vehiclefrom becoming too dry or stuffy.Under certain conditions, the airquality sensor will not activaterecirculation, such as during coldweather or with odors, like skunk. Tolimit odors manually, press M untilthe condition has passed.The air quality sensor system doesnot protect against carbon monoxide(CO), which you cannot see orsmell. See Engine Exhaust onpage 9‑26.