Black plate (24,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (Include Mex) - 20123-24 Seats and RestraintsFrontal airbags may inflate atdifferent crash speeds depending onwhether the vehicle hits an objectstraight on or at an angle, andwhether the object is fixed ormoving, rigid or deformable,narrow or wide.Thresholds can also vary withspecific vehicle design.Frontal airbags are not intended toinflate during vehicle rollovers, rearimpacts, or in many side impacts.In addition, the vehicle hasdual-stage frontal airbags.Dual-stage airbags adjust therestraint according to crash severity.The vehicle has electronic frontalsensors, that help the sensingsystem distinguish between amoderate frontal impact and a moresevere frontal impact. For moderatefrontal impacts, dual-stage airbagsinflate at a level less than fulldeployment. For more severe frontalimpacts, full deployment occurs.The vehicle has seat-mounted sideimpact and roof-rail airbags. SeeAirbag System on page 3‑20.Seat-mounted side impact androof-rail airbags are intended toinflate in moderate to severe sidecrashes. In addition, these roof-railairbags are intended to inflateduring a rollover or in a severefrontal impact. Seat-mounted sideimpact and roof-rail airbags willinflate if the crash severity is abovethe system's designed thresholdlevel. The threshold level can varywith specific vehicle design.Roof-rail airbags are not intendedto inflate in rear impacts. Aseat-mounted side impact airbag isintended to inflate on the side of thevehicle that is struck. Both roof-railairbags will inflate when either sideof the vehicle is struck or if thesensing system predicts that thevehicle is about to roll over, or in asevere frontal impact.In any particular crash, no one cansay whether an airbag should haveinflated simply because of thevehicle damage or repair costs.