Black plate (10,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (Include Mex) - 20122-10 Keys, Doors, and WindowsThe procedure requires three10-minute cycles to complete thematching process.1. Make sure the vehicle is off.2. Place the new transmitter intothe transmitter pocket with thebuttons facing the front of thevehicle. The transmitter pocketis inside the center consolestorage area located betweenthe driver and front passengerseats.3. Insert the vehicle key into thekey lock cylinder located on thedriver door.4. Turn the key to the unlockposition five times withinfive seconds.5. The DIC displays PRESSSTART CONTROL TOLEARN KEYS.6. Press the ignition switch in.7. The DIC reads LEARN DELAYACTIVE WAIT XX MIN andcounts down to zero.8. The DIC displays PRESSSTART CONTROL TO LEARNKEYS again.9. Press the ignition switch inagain.10. Repeat Steps 7, 8, and 9.11. The DIC reads LEARN DELAYACTIVE WAIT XX MIN andcounts down to zero.12. A beep sounds and the DICreads READY TO LEARNELECTRONIC KEY # X. Allpreviously known transmitterprogramming has been erased.13. A beep sounds onceprogramming is complete. TheDIC displays READY TOLEARN ELECTRONICKEY # 2.To program additionaltransmitters, insert eachtransmitter in the pocket until abeep is heard and the DICadvances to the next electronickey number. Up to fourtransmitters can beprogrammed. The DIC displaysMAXIMUM # ELECTRONICKEYS LEARNED and exits theprogramming mode.14. Press the ignition control knobif programming is complete.15. Press K on each newlyprogrammed transmitter tocomplete the process.