Black plate (21,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (Include Mex) - 2012Seats and Restraints 3-21{ WARNINGBecause airbags inflate with greatforce and faster than the blink ofan eye, anyone who is upagainst, or very close to anyairbag when it inflates can beseriously injured or killed. Do notsit unnecessarily close to anyairbag, as you would be if sittingon the edge of the seat or leaningforward. Safety belts help keepyou in position before and duringa crash. Always wear a safetybelt, even with airbags. The drivershould sit as far back as possiblewhile still maintaining control ofthe vehicle.Occupants should not lean on orsleep against the door or sidewindows in seating positions withseat-mounted side impact airbagsand/or roof-rail airbags.{ WARNINGChildren who are up against,or very close to, any airbagwhen it inflates can be seriouslyinjured or killed. Airbags pluslap-shoulder belts offer protectionfor adults and older children, butnot for young children and infants.Neither the vehicle's safety beltsystem nor its airbag system isdesigned for them. Youngchildren and infants need theprotection that a child restraintsystem can provide. Alwayssecure children properly in thevehicle. To read how, see OlderChildren on page 3‑34 or Infantsand Young Children onpage 3‑37.There is an airbag readiness lighton the instrument panel cluster,which shows the airbag symbol. Thesystem checks the airbag electricalsystem for malfunctions. The lighttells you if there is an electricalproblem. See Airbag ReadinessLight on page 5‑17 for moreinformation.