Black plate (16,1)Cadillac SRX Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-8087690) - 2015 -CRC - 7/2/1410-16 Vehicle Care3. Fill the coolant surge tank withthe proper mixture to theindicated level mark.4. With the coolant surge tankpressure cap off, start theengine and let it run until youcan feel the upper radiator hosegetting hot. Watch out for theengine cooling fan.By this time, the coolant levelinside the coolant surge tankmay be lower. If the level islower, add more of the propermixture to the coolant surge tankuntil the level reaches theindicated level mark.5. Replace the pressure cap tightly.6. Verify coolant level after theengine is shut off and thecoolant is cold. If necessary,repeat coolant fill procedureSteps 1–6.If the coolant still is not at theproper level when the systemcools down again, see yourdealer.{ CautionIf the pressure cap is not tightlyinstalled, coolant loss andpossible engine damage mayoccur. Be sure the cap is properlyand tightly secured.Engine OverheatingThe vehicle has an indicator to warnof engine overheating.There is an engine coolanttemperature warning light on thevehicle instrument cluster. SeeEngine Coolant Temperature Gaugeon page 5-12.If the decision is made not to lift thebonnet when this warning appears,get help right away.If the decision is made to lift thebonnet, make sure the vehicle isparked on a level surface.Then check to see if the enginecooling fans are running. If theengine is overheating, both fansshould be running. If they are not,do not continue to run the engineand have the vehicle serviced.{ CautionRunning the engine withoutcoolant may cause damage or afire. Vehicle damage would not becovered by the vehicle warranty.If Steam Is Coming from theEngine Compartment{ WarningSteam from an overheated enginecan burn you badly, even if youjust open the bonnet. Stay awayfrom the engine if you see or hearsteam coming from it. Just turn itoff and get everyone away fromthe vehicle until it cools down.(Continued)