Black plate (51,1)Cadillac SRX Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-8087690) - 2015 -CRC - 7/2/14Vehicle Care 10-51When It Is Time for NewTyresFactors such as maintenance,temperatures, driving speeds,vehicle loading, and road conditionsaffect the wear rate of the tyres.Tread wear indicators are one wayto tell when it is time for new tyres.Tread wear indicators appear whenthe tyres have only 1.6 mm (1/16 in)or less of tread remaining. See TyreInspection on page 10-49 and TyreRotation on page 10-49.The rubber in tyres ages over time.This also applies to the spare tyre,if the vehicle has one, even if it isnever used. Multiple factorsincluding temperatures, loadingconditions, and inflation pressuremaintenance affect how fast ageingtakes place. GM recommends thattyres, including the spare ifequipped, be replaced after sixyears, regardless of tread wear. Thetyre manufacture date is the lastfour digits of the DOT TyreIdentification Number (TIN) which ismoulded into one side of the tyresidewall. The first two digitsrepresent the week (01–52) and thelast two digits, the year. Forexample, the third week of the year2010 would have a four-digit DOTdate of 0310.Vehicle StorageTyres age when stored normallymounted on a parked vehicle. Parka vehicle that will be stored for atleast a month in a cool, dry, cleanarea away from direct sunlight toslow ageing. This area should befree of grease, petrol, or othersubstances that can deterioraterubber.Parking for an extended period cancause flat spots on the tyres thatmay result in vibrations whiledriving. When storing a vehicle forat least a month, remove the tyresor raise the vehicle to reduce theweight from the tyres.Buying New TyresGM has developed and matchedspecific tyres for the vehicle.The original equipment tyresinstalled were designed to meetGeneral Motors TyrePerformance CriteriaSpecification (TPC Spec)system rating. Whenreplacement tyres are needed,GM strongly recommendsbuying tyres with the same TPCSpec rating.