Black plate (33,1)Cadillac SRX Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-8087690) - 2015 -CRC - 7/2/14Seats and Restraints 3-33For most basic types of childrestraints, there are many differentmodels available. When purchasinga child restraint, be sure it isdesigned to be used in a motorvehicle.The restraint manufacturer'sinstructions that come with therestraint state the weight and heightlimitations for a particular childrestraint.{ WarningTo reduce the risk of neck andhead injury during a crash, infantsneed complete support. In acrash, if an infant is in arear-facing child restraint, thecrash forces can be distributedacross the strongest part of aninfant's body, the back andshoulders. Infants should alwaysbe secured in rear-facing childrestraints.{ WarningA young child's hip bones are stillso small that the vehicle's regularsafety belt may not remain low onthe hip bones, as it should.Instead, it may settle up aroundthe child's abdomen. In a crash,the belt would apply force on abody area that is unprotected byany bony structure. This alonecould cause serious or fatalinjuries. To reduce the risk ofserious or fatal injuries during acrash, young children shouldalways be secured in appropriatechild restraints.Child Restraint SystemsRear-Facing Infant SeatA rear-facing infant seat providesrestraint with the seating surfaceagainst the back of the infant.The harness system holds the infantin place and, in a crash, acts tokeep the infant positioned in therestraint.