Black plate (43,1)Cadillac STS Owner Manual - 2011When securing an add-on child restraint, refer to theinstructions that come with the restraint which may beon the restraint itself or in a booklet, or both, and to thismanual. The child restraint instructions are important,so if they are not available, obtain a replacement copyfrom the manufacturer.Keep in mind that an unsecured child restraint canmove around in a collision or sudden stop and injurepeople in the vehicle. Be sure to properly secure anychild restraint in the vehicle — even when no child isin it.In some areas, Certified Child Passenger SafetyTechnicians (CPSTs) are available to inspect anddemonstrate how to correctly use and install childrestraints. In the U.S., refer to the National HighwayTraffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) website to locatethe nearest child safety seat inspection station. ForCPST availability in Canada, check with TransportCanada or the Provincial Ministry of Transportationoffice.Securing the Child Within the ChildRestraint{ WARNING:A child can be seriously injured or killed in a crashif the child is not properly secured in the childrestraint. Secure the child properly following theinstructions that came with that child restraint.Where to Put the RestraintAccording to accident statistics, children and infantsare safer when properly restrained in a child restraintsystem or infant restraint system secured in a rearseating position.We recommend that children and child restraints besecured in a rear seat, including: an infant or a childriding in a rear-facing child restraint; a child riding ina forward-facing child seat; an older child riding in abooster seat; and children, who are large enough, usingsafety belts.2-43