Handling rollsSpecifying the Cutting Method for RollsHow a roll is cut after ejection varies depending on the printer settings.Cutting Method Menu Settings Driver SettingAutomatic The roll is automatically cut by the CutterUnit following printer driver settings.Automatic YesEject Choose this setting if you prefer not tohave documents dropped immediately afterprinting, as when waiting for ink to dry.To cut the roll using the Cutter Unit, holddown the Stop button for a second or more.Eject YesManual Choose this setting when using media thatcannot be cut using the Cutter Unit.Cut each page from the roll using scissors.For continuous printing (if you will cut eachpage later), in Auto Cut, select Yes, orselect Print Cut Guideline.(→P.484)CuttingModeManual No YesPrint CutGuidelinePaperCuttingChoose this option if you want to cut pagesby pressing Cutter Unit buttons for manualcutting after printing when the printer driveris congured to Auto Cut > No or Print CutGuideline.Otherwise choose this option if you want tocut the roll edge after loading a roll.PaperCuttingYesAuto CutNo PrintCutGuidelineNote• Automatic and Eject are valid only when you have specied Auto Cut > Yes in the printer driver.• With Eject, printing does not resume after a series of jobs have been printed continuously until theroll is cut.Cut rolls manually in the following cases:Handling Paper 191