Frequently Asked QuestionsQuestion AnswerHow do I use the printer in combination with a ColorimageRUNNER ?The printer can be used for automatic enlargementand printing of scanned originals from a ColorimageRUNNER .⇒Printing Enlargements of Scanned Originals froma Color imageRUNNER (→P.314)How do I print enlargements of scanned originalsfrom a Color imageRUNNER ?By using Color imageRUNNER Enlargement Copy(iR enlargement copy), you can automatically printenlargements of scanned originals from a ColorimageRUNNER .⇒Printing Enlargements of Scanned Originals froma Color imageRUNNER (→P.314)Specifying Paper in the Printer DriverIf you replace the paper, complete the printer driver settings for the paper type and size.For instructions on conguring paper settings in the printer driver, refer to the following topics, as appropriatefor your computer and operating system.• Specifying Paper in the Printer Driver (Windows) (→P.158)• Specifying Paper in the Printer Driver (Mac OS X) (→P.156)• Specifying Paper in the Printer Driver (Mac OS 9) (→P.154)Troubleshooting 727