Printing banners or at other non-standard sizes7. Specify the margins by entering “0.3” in Printer Margins. Here, measurements are enteredin centimeters.8. Click OK to close the Custom Page Sizes dialog box.9. In the C Paper Size list, click the size of the original. In this case, click "100*500", the sizeyou registered.10. In D Orientation, click the icon of the document in landscape orientation.11. Click F OK to close the dialog box.Printing the bannerFollow the steps below to print the banner using the corresponding banner settings.1. Choose Print in the application menu.2. Access the Main pane.3. In the A Media Type list, select the type of paper that is loaded. In this case, click Plain Paper.4. After conrming that D Easy Settings is selected, click Poster (Text, Illustrations) in theE Print Target list.Enhanced Printing Options 409