9-20CHECK PRINTER(Continued)– The BJ cartridge may bedefective.Press [Start]. Reinstallthe BJ cartridge(see p. 1-8) and startagain.In either case, if theerror does not clear, tryunplugging the fax. Waitseveral minutes, thenplug it back in. Also, tryreplacing the BJcartridge with a newone.(see p. 9-8)– The waste ink tank(which holds the inkexpelled during printhead cleaning) may befull.Contact your localauthorised Canon dealeror the Canon Help Deskto have the waste inktank replacedimmediately.CLEAR PAPER JAM – There is a paper jam. Clear the paper jam (seep. 9-3) and reload paperin the multi-purpose tray.Press [Start].COLOUR INK EMPTY(FAX-B180C only)– The Colour BJ tank inthe Colour BJ cartridgeis empty or its ink mayhave dried out.Clean the BJ cartridgeprint head (see p. 9-8).If the message remainsin the LCD, replace theColour BJ tank.(see Printer Guide)DATA ERROR – An error has occurredand all one-touch speeddialling, coded speeddialling, and user datahas been lost.Press [Set], then re-register the data.(see Chapter 2)DOC. TOO LONG #003 The document is longerthan 1 metre.Use a copier to make areduced copy of thedocument and then sendthe copy.ECM RX – The fax is receiving adocument using ErrorCorrection Mode (ECM).ECM receptions maytake longer than normalreceptions. Turn off ECMif you need to receivequickly, or if you knowyour local lines are ingood condition. (seeECM RX, p. 8-5)MessageError Code CauseAction