4-20 Sending Faxes With the MultiPASS C3500 Chapter 4Entering a memoYou can include a memo on the fax cover page if the cover page isdesigned to accept memo text. The font, style, and size of the memo textis determined by the particular design of the selected cover page. Youcan change these attributes using the MultiPASS Cover Page Designer.For instructions on editing a cover page, refer to Designing a Fax CoverPage on page 4-31.Deleting the fax after sendingIf you select the Delete after Sending option, the fax is automaticallydeleted after it has been successfully transmitted. This option makes iteasy to keep your computer free of unneeded documents, therebymaximizing your available disk space.If you do not select this option, the fax is automatically moved from theSend Fax Manager to the Sent Fax folder after transmission.Including annotationsUsing the editing capabilities of the MultiPASS Viewer (describedin Chapter 7, Working With Documents in the Desktop Manager, youmay have modified your document—for example, by adding textannotations, graphic or text stamps, or highlighting. In this case, youcan choose to include these modifications by clicking the IncludeAnnotations option.If you do not select this option, the original version of the document isfaxed, without any added annotations.Processing the FaxYou can send your fax—either now or later—only when you havespecified at least one recipient and fax number. As necessary, you canalso place a fax on hold and return to it later. The following sectionsprovide additional information on these processing options.Sending the fax nowWhen you click Send Now, the fax document is sent to the Send FaxManager until it is transmitted. Once transmission is complete, the faxis either moved to the Sent Fax folder or deleted, based on whether youenabled or disabled the Delete after Sending option.