4-44 Sending Faxes With the MultiPASS C3500 Chapter 4Copying FieldsIf you want to copy a field or graphic item and paste it into anotherWindows application which supports a Paste option, you can do sousing the Copy command. When you copy a field or graphic item, it isplaced in the Cover Page Designer clipboard. From the clipboard, youcan paste it into any Windows application that supports this command.1. Select the field/graphic element to be copied. Now choose the Copycommand from the Edit menu or toolbar, or click the right mousebutton and select Copy from the Edit menu.2. Open the Windows application where you want to paste the item.3. Paste the item into the Windows application (usually, by selectingthe Paste command from the Edit menu or toolbar).Removing an AnnotationIf you decide you no longer want an item to apear in your cover page,you can remove it permanently by selecting it and pressing the Deletekey.Adjusting the Orientation and ViewWhen creating or editing a cover page, you may want to adjust your viewof it by rotating or flipping the page.From the Edit menu:m Click Rotate, then choose 90, 180 (flipping the document upsidedown), or 270.m Click Flip, then choose Horizontal or Vertical.