TroubleshootingMessage Error Code Cause ActionCHANGE CARTRIDGE #052 The BJ cartridge is Replace the BJ cartridge.empty or its ink has The unit will thendried out. print any documentsreceived in memory.CHECK DOCUMENT #001 The document is Remove the documentjammed in the ADF. you are trying to send orcopy and start again.CHECK PAPER SIZE The size of the paper Set the correct paperin the sheet feeder and size in the Receive Faxthat specified in the dialog box of theMultiPASS setup are Setup Options in thedifferent. MultiPASS DesktopManager (see page 8-7).The sheet feeder is Add paper to the sheetempty or paper is feeder or check for ajammed. jam. Then try to printagain.There is a sheet of Make sure there is nopaper in the manual paper in the manualfeed slot. feed slot when you arereceiving a fax.CHECK PRINTER — There may be an Check for a paper clip,obstruction that is not paper jam, or the plasticallowing the cartridge orange cap off the BJmechanism to move cartridge. Press STOPright or left. and try your operationagain.The BJ cartridge may be Press STOP. Reinstalldefective. the cartridge and tryyour operation again.In either case, if theerror does not clear, tryunplugging the unit.Wait several minutes,then plug it back in.Also, try installing a newBJ cartridge.CLEAR PAPER JAM — There is a paper jam Remove any paper fromor the sheet feeder is the sheet feeder. Clearempty. the paper jam (see page10-5). Then reload paperin the sheet feeder. PressRESUME or STOP.COMMUNICATING — You tried to send a fax Wait until the fax isPLEASE WAIT using Manual mode sent, or use memorywhen the MultiPASS sending.was already sendinga fax from memory.Chapter 10 Troubleshooting 10-7