Chapter 10 Troubleshooting 10-13Problem Cause SolutionThe printed output is There may be a communication Make sure the computernot what you expected problem between the MultiPASS and the application areand your computer. configured correctly forcommunicating with theMultiPASS.The interface cable may not Check the interface cable’sbe securely connected to the connections.MultiPASS and the computer.The interface cable may not Make sure you are using abe the correct type. bi-directional parallel interfacecable that is less than 6 feet(2 m) long.You may not be using the Make sure you havecorrect printer driver. selected the MultiPASSprinter in your application.Another hardware device or Disconnect the peripheralsoftware application is device and uninstall or removeattempting to communicate any software associated withwith the same parallel port this device and any softwareto which the MultiPASS is communicating with theconnected. parallel port.You may not have the best Try selecting Coated Paper formedia type selected. the Media Type rather thanPlain Paper. See page 2-9.Previous software settings Make sure the MultiPASSmay not be cleared. was cleared of the previoussoftware settings before theprint job started. See theapplication’s documentation.Printout does not Paper may not be loaded Make sure the paper is loadedmatch paper size and aligned correctly in and aligned correctly. Seethe sheet feeder. page 2-19.The application’s page Make sure the paper size andsize and margin settings margin set in your applicationmay be incorrect. are correct for the paper in thesheet feeder.The selected printer driver Make sure you select themay be incorrect. MultiPASS printer in yourapplication.The MultiPASS suspends The print head may have Stop your print operationprint after every line is become too hot. If this happens, and wait several minutes toprinted the MultiPASS may be slowing allow the unit to cool. Thenits print speed at the end of each start your operation again.line to protect the print head.Troubleshooting