Chapter 7 Working with Documents in the Desktop Manager 7-7Working withDocuments in theDesktop ManagerSending a Scheduled, Held, Failed, or Stopped PC FaxA PC fax job continues to reside in the Out Box folder if it is scheduled forsending later, if it is on hold, if it failed to transmit in the specifiednumber of retries, or it was stopped. You can reprocess the PC fax job forsending now or rescheduling it for a different time.When you send a PC fax from the Out Box folder, the Send Fax dialogbox displays the information initially entered for the PC fax. You canchange the information as needed. For example, for a PC fax that failedbecause of a wrong fax number, you can correct the fax number. For ascheduled PC fax, you can specify a different time for transmission.If a cover page had been attached, the style and any memo text isdisplayed and can be edited.To send a fax:1. In the Out Box folder, drag the document to the Send fax button onthe toolbar. Or, select the document and click Send Fax on the Filemenu.2. In the Send Fax dialog box, change any fax options as needed.3. When you have finished your entries for the fax, process the fax.• To process the fax for immediate sending, click Send Now.• To schedule the fax for a later time that you specify, click SendLater.