Chapter 7 Working with Documents in the Desktop Manager 7-27Working withDocuments in theDesktop Manager2. In the Choose Stamp dialog box, select the desired stamp from the listbox and click Accept.3. Click the cursor in the desired location for placing the stamp. Thestamp is placed at that location.Highlighting Your DocumentYou can add a colour highlight to the text or other images in yourdocument. You select a colour and draw a rectangular highlight over thedesired area. All highlight colours are transparent and display as thecolour you selected. When you print the document, the highlighted regionprints as grey shadings.To highlight a region:1. On the annotation panel, click the Hilite tool .2. Select the colour of the highlighting.3. At the desired location on the displayed page, drag the cursor to drawthe highlight region. A dotted line displays to show you where thehighlight region will be placed. When you release the mouse button,the highlight is created.Creating a Drawing GraphicYou can annotate your document with one or more drawing objects thatinclude a straight line, single- and double-headed arrow, hollowrectangle, and a hollow circle or ellipse. When you draw the object, youcan select the colour and width of the line for the object.