Chapter 4 Using the Desktop Manager 4-7Using theDesktop ManagerIn Box FolderThe In Box folder stores all incoming faxes, that is, all documents thatwere sent to you by other fax units and received by your L60 unit and thenuploaded to your PC. Each received fax displays with a system-assignedname. You can later change the name to something more descriptive.Out Box FolderThe Out Box folder provides a chronological list of jobs you want toprocess. These jobs consist of PC faxes to be sent from the DesktopManager. A job in the Out Box folder is a copy of the document, not theoriginal document itself.Scan FolderThe Scan folder stores all images you scan with the L60 from the DesktopManager. Each document displays with a system-assigned name. You canlater change the name to something more descriptive.Sent Fax FolderThe Sent Fax folder contains all documents that have been successfullysent as PC faxes. If the PC fax had not been marked for deletion aftersending, the sent PC fax is automatically moved from the Out Box folder(where the fax job is processed) to the Sent Fax folder. By having sent PCfaxes moved to their own folder, you can better track your completed faxcommunications and reserve the Out Box folder for jobs to be processed.Trash FolderThe Trash folder stores any documents that you want to hold for deletion.Once you move a document from another folder (except the Out Boxfolder) to the Trash folder, you can hold the document in the Trash folderuntil you are ready to delete it.You can move a document into or out of the Trash folder. You cannot fax,print, or open a document in the Trash folder.