55-21 ColorPASS on a network with UNIX workstationsT O PRINT TO THE C OLOR PASS:• On a UNIX system running SunOS 4.x or other BSD-based variant, use the lpr commandto send a job to the ColorPASS.• On a UNIX system running Solaris 2.x or any System V implementation of UNIX, usethe lp command to send a job to the ColorPASS.• Windows NT 4.0 users with the TCP/IP protocol loaded can send print jobs to theColorPASS from their applications or from a command prompt.When Windows NT 4.0 users print from applications, they can set print options withthe driver, but not from the UNIX command line.Managing print jobsUNIX network administrators can use UNIX utilities for viewing the list of jobs, andfor printing and removing jobs that are spooled on UNIX servers. If the networkincludes a Windows NT 4.0/2000 workstation that has TCP/IP protocols loaded, youcan use the Command WorkStation or Fiery Downloader to download fonts and files.You can also use the job management tools to manage jobs from remote workstations.See the Job Management Guide for more information.Even without the Fiery utilities, you can:• Set up the ColorPASS to print a log of printed jobs automatically after every 55 jobs(see Job Log Setup on page 3-42).• Print a Job Log manually at any time from the Command WorkStation Functionsmenu (see the Job Management Guide).