6 – 43Chapter 6 Principles of OperationVersion 2 2006. Multiple paper feed preventionThe sheets set in a tray or cassette are occasionally stuck together along the edges. The stucksheets cause a multiple sheet feed or a jam. The sheets are fed by the Nudger Roll to a positionbetween the Feed Roll and the Separator Roll. Normally, when only one sheet is fed, both the FeedRoll and Separator Roll rotate to allow the sheet to pass. However, when two sheets are fedconcurrently, only the Feed Roll rotates and the Separator Roll is locked thereby allowing the uppersheet to pass by being separated from the lower sheet that is stopped by the friction with theSeparator Roll at rest.The Separator Roll is being pushed toward the Feed Roll by spring pressure, and controlled by thetorque limiter (Clutch Assy Friction) with which it is coupled.3.10.4 Reference diagramKmy06028KB(Feed Roll)(Nudger Roll)