7 - 10Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Signal InformationVersion 1 2006.01.30Signal line name DescriptionPAPER EMPTY SENSED(L) +3.3VDCPaper detect signal of the MSI by the Sensor Photo(MSI NO PAPER SENSOR)REGI SENSED (L)+3.3VDC Paper detect signal of the Regi part by the Sensor Photo (REGI SENSOR)REGI CL ON (L) +24VDC ON/OFF signal of the REGI CLUTCHFEED SOL ON (L)+24VDC ON/OFF signal of the MSI FEED SOLENOIDOHP LED ON/OFF signal of the OHP LEDOHP SENSED (L)+3.3VDCDetect Signal of the transparency sheet by the Sensor Photo(OHP SENSOR)TEMP. Data on temperature inside the printer.PH MOT ON (X) +XXVDCPH MOT CLKPH MOT ALARMDrive control signal of the DRIVE ASSY PH