Text Box DescriptionDescription Enter a description for the notification group.Enable Events Select which events to share with the notification group. You can select All orselect a subset of events to include:• BootCd• LocalMount• Metadata• Clusters• Notification• PowerShellScripting• PushInstall• Attachability• Jobs• Licensing• LogTruncation• Archive• CoreService• Export• Protection• Replication• Rollback• RollupYou can also choose to select by type:• Info• Warning• ErrorNOTE: When you choose to select by type, by default, the appropriateevents are automatically enabled. For example, if you choose Warning, theAttachability, Jobs, Licensing, Archive, CoreService, Export, Protection,Replication, and Rollback events are enabled.NotificationOptionsSelect the method to specify how to handle notifications. You can choosefrom the following options:• Notify by Email — Specify the e-mail addresses to which to send theevents in the To, CC, and BCC text boxes.NOTE: To receive e-mail, SMTP must be previously configured.• Notify by Windows Event log — The Windows Event log controls thenotification.• Notify by syslogd — You must specify the host name and port to which tosend the events.– Host — Enter the host name for the server.85