Installing and removing sled components 79CAUTION:Manyrepairsmayonlybedonebyacertifiedservicetechnician.Youshouldonlyperformtroubleshootingandsimplerepairs as authorized in your product documentation, or as directed by the online or telephone service and support team.Damage due to servicing that is not authorized by Dell is not covered by your warranty. Read and follow the safety instructionsthatareshippedwithyourproduct.CAUTION: The processor is held in its socket under strong pressure. Be aware that the release lever can spring up suddenly ifnot firmly grasped.NOTE: This is a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU). Removal and installation procedures should beperformed only by Dell certifiedservice technicians.NOTE: To ensure proper system cooling, you must install a processor blank in any empty processor socket.1 Followthesafetyguidelineslistedinthe Safetyinstructions section.2 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheBefore workinginside yoursystemsection.3 If you are upgrading your system (from a single processor system toadualprocessorsystemoraprocessorwithahigher processorbin), download the latest system BIOS version from and follow the instructions included in the compresseddownload file to install the update on your system.4 Remove the coolingshroud.5 Remove the heatsink.6 Keep the Phillips #2 screwdriverready.Steps1 Using a clean, lint-free cloth remove anythermal grease from the surface of the processor shield.CAUTION: The processor is held in its socket under strong pressure. Be aware that the release lever can spring up suddenlyifnotfirmlygrasped.2 Position yourthumbfirmlyoverthesocket-releaselever1and lever 2 of the processor and release both the levers simultaneouslyfrom the locked position by pushing down and out from under the tab.