26(3) Extracting data from the specified start to tail positionsThe start position must be within the range from the 2nd to 99th digits. If the number of digits in bar code data readdoes not reach the specified start position, an error occurs.(Example)Start position Output data3rd digit [STX]K0834567890[ETX]8th digit [STX]K03890[ETX]12th digit Error(4) Extracting data from the specified start to end positionsThe start and end positions must be within the range from 2nd to 99th digits each. The end position must be equal toor greater than the start position. If the number of digits in bar code data read does not reach the specified start or endposition, an error occurs.(Example)Start position End position Output data3rd digit 7th digit [STX]K0534567[ETX]8th digit 10th digit [STX]K03890[ETX]10th digit 11th digit Error8.2 Substituting DataThe scanner searches for the specified string (max. 10 characters long) in bar code data read, starting from thespecified start position (the head to the 10th position) to the end. If the bar code data contains the specified string, thescanner substitutes it with the specified substitution string (max. 3 characters long) and transfers it according to thesubstitution conditions--"Transferring the substituted element string only," "Transferring the substituted element string+ bar code data," and "Transferring the substituted full string."The following sample bar code and scanner settings output data as listed below depending upon the substitutionconditions.- Bar code sampleBar code type: Code 128, Data read: 1234567890- Scanner settingsHeader: STX, Terminator: ETX, Prefix/Suffix: None, Code ID mark: Type 1,Transmission of number of digits: 2 digits(1) Transferring the substituted element string onlyIf the bar code data contains the specified substitution string within the specified search area, the scanner transfers thesubstituted element string only.(Example)Search start position Search string Substitution string Output data2nd digit 456 A [STX]K01A[ETX]5th digit 890 XYZ [STX]K03XYZ[ETX]9th digit 890 XYZ Error