34AI Format Description94 n2+an..30 Company Internal Information--Company95 n2+an..30 Company Internal Information--Carrier96 n2+an..30 Company Internal Information--Carrier97 n2+an..30 Company Internal Information--Company98 n2+an..30 Company Internal Information--Company99 n2+an..30 Company Internal Information(*) To indicate only year and month, DD must be FILLED with "00."(**) n indicates the length of data.(***) n indicates the decimal point position.(****) n indicates the number of digits after decimal pointNote 1: The EAN-128 AIs are compliant with the General EAN.UCC Specifications v. 6.0.Note 2: If the specified AI is variable in length and the number of digits in data read is less than the maximum numberof digits defined for the AI, the output contains a GS (1Dh) in the data read.