42(4) Number of digitsThis optional field specifies the number of digits (2 or 4 digits) of bar code data to transmit or disables thetransmission (default). Note that UPC and EAN codes (except EAN-128) skip this field.n1 : thousands (0 to 9)n2 : hundreds (0 to 9)n3 : tens (0 to 9)n4 : units (0 to 9)Selecting the two-digit length does not transmit n1 or n2.(5) Bar code dataThe following are the data transmission formats for bar code symbologies.For the GTIN format conversion of UPC, EAN, Interleaved 2of5 (14-digit), RSS, and EAN-128, refer to Section10.2.2.UPC-A0 Data (11-digit) C/DYou can select whether or not to transmit the padding character "0," number system character (leading "0" in 11-digitdata), and a check digit to the host.UPC-EWhen conversion to UPC-A is disabled (ZERO suppression format)0 Data (6-digit) C/DWhen conversion to UPC-A is enabled (ZERO insertion format)0 Data (11-digit) C/DYou can select whether or not to transmit the padding character "0," number system character (leading "0" in 11-digitdata), and a check digit to the host.The ZERO insertion format converts the data length to 11 according to the UPC standard.EAN-13Data (12-digit) C/DYou can select whether or not to transmit the country code and a check digit to the host and enable conversion toISBN/ISSN format.Conversion, if enabled, produces ISBN/ISSN format according to the EAN standard.EAN-8Data (7-digit) C/DYou can select whether or not to add the five padding characters "0" (leading "0") to bring the total length to the sameas EAN-13, as well as selecting whether or not to transmit a check digit.UPC/EAN with ADD-ONUPC/EAN data ADD-ON data (2- or 5-digit)Standard 2of5, Interleaved 2of5Data C/DThe Standard 2of5 and Interleaved 2of5 symbologies may or may not contain a check digit. You can select whether ornot to check a check digit and transmit the check digit read.(C/D: Check digit)