38 Eaton 93PM Sidecar Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Bypass (150 kW and 200 kW SIAC-B) Installation and Operation Manual P-164000387—Rev 08CAUTIONTo prevent tipping when rolling the cabinet and damage to the front door, push the cabinet from the rearwhenever possible. Do not push the cabinet from the sides.19. Roll the cabinet close to the final installation location.20. Proceed to paragraph 4.3 Mechanically Joining the UPS Cabinet and SIAC-B44..33 MMeecchhaanniiccaallllyy JJooiinniinngg tthhee UUPPSS CCaabbiinneett aanndd SSIIAACC--BBTo join the cabinets:1. Lower all four leveling feet until nearly in contact with the floor.2. Remove the two SIAC-B side wheels facing the UPS cabinet by removing the single bolt securing thewheel to the cabinet.3. Move the SIAC-B into position against the UPS cabinet and remove the remaining two SIAC-B sidewheels.4. Use the leveling feet to align and level the SIAC-B vertically with the UPS cabinet.5. Locate the top tie strap shipped attached to the SIAC-B (see Figure 19) and remove the screws securingthe strap to the SIAC-B. Retain the hardware for later use.6. Remove the screws securing the adjacent cabinet top panel. Retain the hardware for later use.7. Install the top tie strap between the cabinets and secure the tie strap with the retained hardware.NOTE A rear tie strap is attached to the back of the cabinet and is used only for seismicinstallations.8. Remove the screws securing the internal safety shield panel and remove the panel to gain access to thepass-through tie strap. Retain the hardware for later use.9. Locate the pass-through tie strap at the bottom right or left side of the SIAC-B (see Figure 19) and removethe screws securing the strap to the SIAC-B.10. Remove the corresponding screws at the bottom of the UPS cabinet pass-through. Retain the hardwarefor later use.11. Install the pass-through tie strap between the cabinets and secure the tie strap with the retainedhardware.12. If necessary after the installing the attaching straps, secure the SIAC-B in position by adjusting the levelingfeet until the cabinet is level and locked in place.13. Proceed to paragraph 4.4 Electrically Connecting the UPS Cabinet and SIAC-B.Installation