54 Eaton 93PM Sidecar Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Bypass (150 kW and 200 kW SIAC-B) Installation and Operation Manual P-164000387—Rev 08Figure 31. Typical Bus Bar Barrel Lug Mounting – Hardware Assembly SequenceBolt HeadConical WasherFlat WasherBus BarThreaded Clinch NutBolt HeadConical WasherFlat WasherBus BarThreaded Clinch NutLugLugLugSingle Lug InstallationDouble Lug Installation44..88 IInnssttaalllliinngg SSIIAACC--BB EExxtteerrnnaall PPoowweerr WWiirriinnggNOTE 1 The SIAC-B Bypass Input Breaker (BIB) to UPS bypass input, the output from UPS, andthe Rectifier Input Breaker (RIB) to UPS rectifier input (if installed) phase and groundwiring are prewired to the factory installed SIAC-B or have been wired using theprocedures in paragraph 4.4 Electrically Connecting the UPS Cabinet and SIAC-B.NOTE 2 External power wiring can be routed either through the top or bottom of the SIAC-B.NOTE 3 Remove the SIAC-B top or bottom conduit landing plate to drill or punch conduit holes(see Figure 32 or Figure 33).To install wiring:1. Remove the screw securing the bottom of the SIAC-B front panel. Lift the panel straight up to remove itfrom the panel hanger bracket at the top of the cabinet. Retain screw for later use.2. Remove the screws securing the internal safety shield panel and remove the panel to gain access to themaintenance bypass input, critical load output, and rectifier input (if installed) terminals. Retain thehardware for later use.3. If wiring the SIAC-B using top entry wiring access, proceed to Step 4; otherwise, proceed to Step 7.4. Top Entry Wiring. Remove the top conduit landing plate (see Figure 32 or Figure 33) from the top of theSIAC-B. Identify all conduit requirements and mark their location. Drill and punch all conduit holes in the topcover prior to mounting on the SIAC-B. Install the top conduit plate and install all conduit runs into the topcover.5. Route the maintenance bypass input, critical load output, and rectifier input (if installed) cables (phase A, B,and C, Ground, and if required Neutral) through the conduit on the top of the SIAC-B to the SIAC-BInstallation