Eaton 93PM Sidecar Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Bypass (150 kW and 200 kW SIAC-B) Installation and Operation Manual P-164000387—Rev 08 vLLiisstt ooff FFiigguurreessFigure 1. Eaton 93PM SIAC-B (Three or Four Wire) ............................................................................................ 2Figure 2. Eaton 93PM 150 Capacity UPS with SIAC-B (Three or Four Wire) ............................................................. 3Figure 3. Eaton 93PM 200 kW UPS with SIAC-B (Three or Four Wire) .................................................................... 4Figure 4. Eaton 93PM 150 kW Capacity UPS with SIAC-B (Three or Four Wire) Dimensions (Front View)..................... 12Figure 5. Eaton 93PM 150 kW Capacity UPS with SIAC-B (Three or Four Wire) Dimensions (Top and BottomViews) ....................................................................................................................................... 13Figure 6. Eaton 93PM 150 kW Capacity UPS with Left-Mounted SIAC-B (Three or Four Wire) –Center of Gravity.......................................................................................................................... 14Figure 7. Eaton 93PM 200 kW UPS with SIAC-B (Three or Four Wire) Dimensions (Front View)................................. 16Figure 8. Eaton 93PM 200 kW UPS with SIAC-B (Three or Four Wire) Dimensions (Top and Bottom Views) ................. 17Figure 9. Eaton 93PM 200 kW UPS with Left-Mounted SIAC-B (Three or Four Wire) – Center of Gravity...................... 18Figure 10. Eaton 93PM 200 kW UPS with Right-Mounted SIAC-B (Three or Four Wire) – Center of Gravity .................... 19Figure 11. Eaton 93PM 150 kW Capacity UPS Cabinet with SIAC-B Floor Mounting Bracket Dimensions — RearView.......................................................................................................................................... 21Figure 12. Eaton 93PM 150 kW Capacity UPS Cabinet with SIAC-B Floor Mounting Bracket Dimensions — TopView.......................................................................................................................................... 22Figure 13. Eaton 93PM 200 kW UPS Cabinet with SIAC-B Floor Mounting Bracket Dimensions — Rear View ................ 23Figure 14. Eaton 93PM 200 kW Capacity UPS Cabinet with SIAC-B Floor Mounting Bracket Dimensions — TopView.......................................................................................................................................... 24Figure 15. Eaton 93PM 150 kW UPS with SIAC-B (Three or Four Wire) as Shipped on Pallet....................................... 32Figure 16. Eaton 93PM 200 kW UPS with SIAC-B (Three or Four Wire) as Shipped on Pallet....................................... 33Figure 17. Eaton 93PM Field Installed SIAC-B as Shipped on Pallet ....................................................................... 34Figure 18. Removing the Pallet Skids and Supports – Eaton 93PM Field Installed SIAC-B........................................... 36Figure 19. Cabinet Attaching Brackets ............................................................................................................ 39Figure 20. Left-Mounted SIAC-B – RIB, BIB, and MIS Breaker Terminal Locations .................................................... 41Figure 21. Right-Mounted SIAC-B – RIB, BIB, and MIS Breaker Terminal Locations .................................................. 42Figure 22. 93PM SIAC-B MIS Input Terminal Detail............................................................................................ 43Figure 23. 93PM SIAC-B BIB Output Terminal Detail.......................................................................................... 43Figure 24. 93PM SIAC-B RIB Output Terminal Detail.......................................................................................... 44Figure 25. 93PM 150 kW Three-Wire and Four-Wire SIAC-B Interface Terminal Location ........................................... 45Figure 26. 93PM 200 kW Three-Wire and Four-Wire SIAC-B Interface Terminal Location ........................................... 46Figure 27. SIAC-B Interface Terminal Detail...................................................................................................... 47Figure 28. 93PM 150 kW Three-Wire and Four-Wire SIAC-B UPS MBP Interface Terminal Location ............................. 49Figure 29. 93PM 200 kW Three-Wire and Four-Wire SIAC-B UPS MBP Interface Terminal Location ............................. 50Figure 30. UPS MBP Interface Terminal Detail.................................................................................................. 51Figure 31. Typical Bus Bar Barrel Lug Mounting – Hardware Assembly Sequence .................................................... 54Figure 32. 93PM 150 kW Three-Wire and Four-Wire SIAC-B Conduit Landing Wire Entry Locations ............................. 56Figure 33. 93PM 200 kW Three-Wire and Four-Wire SIAC-B Conduit Landing Wire Entry Locations ............................. 57Figure 34. 93PM 150 kW Three-Wire and Four-Wire SIAC-B Left-Mounted Bypass — Terminal Locations ..................... 58Figure 35. 93PM 150 kW Three-Wire and Four-Wire SIAC-B Right-Mounted Bypass — Terminal Locations ................... 59Figure 36. 93PM 200 kW Three-Wire and Four-Wire SIAC-B Left-Mounted Bypass — Terminal Locations ..................... 60