Eaton 93PM Sidecar Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Bypass (150 kW and 200 kW SIAC-B) Installation and Operation Manual P-164000387—Rev 08 viiLLiisstt ooff TTaabblleessTable 1. SIAC-B Cabinet Weights ................................................................................................................. 10Table 2. External Power Wiring Recommendations: Eaton 93PM 150 kW and 200 kW Three-Wire SIAC-B – Two andThree Breaker Maintenance Bypass .................................................................................................. 25Table 3. External Power Wiring Recommendations: Eaton 93PM 150 kW and 200 kW Three-Wire SIAC-B –Four Breaker Maintenance Bypass .................................................................................................... 26Table 4. External Power Wiring Recommendations: Eaton 93PM 150 kW and 200 kW Four-Wire SIAC-B – Two andThree Breaker Maintenance Bypass .................................................................................................. 27Table 5. External Power Wiring Recommendations: Eaton 93PM 150 kW and 200 kW Four-Wire SIAC-B –Four Breaker Maintenance Bypass ................................................................................................... 28Table 6. External Input Power Cable Terminations for the Eaton 93PM 150 kW Three-Wire SIAC-B ............................ 29Table 7. External Input Power Cable Terminations for the Eaton 93PM 150 kW Four-Wire SIAC-B.............................. 29Table 8. External Input Power Cable Terminations for the Eaton 93PM 200 kW Three-Wire SIAC-B ............................ 30Table 9. External Input Power Cable Terminations for the Eaton 93PM 200 kW Four-Wire SIAC-B.............................. 31Table 10. SIAC-B Interface Wiring Terminal Block Terminations............................................................................ 47Table 11. SIAC-B MBP Interface Terminals ...................................................................................................... 48